No society can survive without women. The practice of female feticides not only is a violation of human rights but also puts a question mark on our integrity as humans. It stagnates our growth as people. If the patriarchal society has made the rules then they can surely be reworked. Why do we need to have different attitudes towards men and women? Why can’t they just be treated as individuals and valued for their worth?
They will provide awareness, educational and behavior change to the society for prevention of Women atrocities, female feticides, health, hygiene, nutrition, their legal rights, consumer rights and PDS rights, knowledge and moral empowerment. These women are mostly illiterate or Semi-illiterate. Awareness level of these ladies are almost nil. Regarding Clean Environment & Solid Waste Management, they are in the habit of throwing garbage on road.
Women atrocities are in every house. During awareness camp we try to convince them for the value of human life to live & let live to others with love and peace.